Monday, June 16, 2008

DEVO travaille du chapeau...

Le groupe new wave post punk d'Akron DEVO attaque McDonald's US à propos d'un jouet de Happy Meal dont le look (particulièrement le chapeau) serait un peu trop pompé sur celui du groupe lors de ses 5 minutes de gloire...

"Devo claims McDonald's infringing on signature hat Devo, the post-punk band known for the members' signature red flower pot hat, has announced it is suing McDonald's over a Happy Meal doll with the same hat. In April, the fast food chain released a series of American Idol Happy Meal toys in the United States based on a range of music genres, including New Wave Nigel, a toy dressed in an orange jumpsuit, pink shades, and Devo's "energy dome" hat. The band claims the copyrighted hat was used without permission."

Pour les noobs, le chapeau DEVO, c'est ça:

Et voici le corps du délit, la figurine New Wave Nigel:

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